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Why I moved to the UK to study

Why I moved to the UK to study

Wednesday 12th September 2018

Visiting different countries is considered to be a worthwhile experience, a great learning process, but studying abroad is known to be life-defining. Little did I realise this at the time I moved to the UK. Nonetheless I should say that studying abroad was the best decision I have ever made in my life and choosing London made it even greater.

Writing this blog post makes me particularly emotional because it takes me back to 2009 (when I moved to London), forcing me to remember what a 17-year-old girl was thinking when she together with her family decided to continue her education overseas.

My strong interest and attraction towards the country was building gradually. English was my main foreign language that I was learning at school. I visited the UK several times for family holidays and language summer schools. All these aspects allowed me to get a sense of the country. It was a fair introduction to a new culture and a different lifestyle that was lying ahead of me.

As I have mentioned above, studying in the UK was not solely my initiative. My family played a great part. It was important for us that the UK is closely located to the European continent, which would make travelling and visiting convenient and accessible. Hence, the practical reasons for my move comprised of linguistical and geographical considerations.

The A-levels college I was accepted to was located in London. So I moved from one metropolis - Moscow - where I was brought up - to another one - London - where I continued 'growing up'. Why London? The answer is simple: 'London was calling!' Due to its cumulative offer of rich culture, old history, modern lifestyle and endless opportunities to develop one's potential, it is one of the most diverse, vibrant, multicultural, beautiful, captivating, alluring, riveting and irresistible cities in the World. I was inspired and excited to pursue my education here.

It was my first time moving to a new country all by myself when I came to study here. All of a sudden, your life becomes your own. The beginning had many struggles and surprises. It took me a while to get used to a completely new environment I found myself in. But with each challenge, I found empowerment and strength, gained confidence and commitment, to be able to overcome it. This was my first time to realise that 'life begins at the end of your comfort zone'. As cliché as it may sound, moving to the UK to study turned out to be the most liberating, magical experience which allowed me to test my potential and expand my life opportunities. The beauty of all is that it has completely changed my life in the best way possible.